Writing isn’t easy. I know, I’ve been doing it for a while. I also coach new writers and mentor others. I’m very fond of breaking down big tasks into simple and do-able steps. Writing a book is a big step. Here are five things you’ll need to start doing in order to write like a pro.
Make Time to Write (Seriously)
Finding time to write can feel impossible, but it’s essential. Turn off distractions like the TV, wake up earlier for some quiet writing time, or use moments during your day to jot down ideas — like waiting in line or on a walk (use your phone’s notes app or dictate). Tools like a tablet that mimics pen and paper can also help. Creativity thrives when you carve out space for it.
Schedule Writing Time Like an Appointment
Don’t leave your writing to chance. Block off dedicated time on your calendar, and treat it like an important meeting. Changing your environment — like heading to a coffee shop — can help you stay focused and feel more productive. Writing is a commitment that you show up for.
Break Through Writer’s Block When writer’s block strikes, don’t stress. Take a walk, do something mindless, or switch gears by free-writing for 10 minutes. Grab a random prompt and spill words onto the page — no judgment, no pressure. Using pen and paper instead of a keyboard can also shift your mindset. Experiment and find what works, but above all, don’t panic.
Write First, Edit Later Resist the urge to edit while writing — it’s a productivity killer. Instead, use tools like spell check or simple grammar tools sparingly during drafting. Avoid getting bogged down in perfection. The focus should be on getting your ideas down first; polish them later. Your first draft is always crappy. You can fix crappy, but you can’t fix a blank page.
Write Deeply and Authentically This is your chance to go all-in. Use your own emotions, be transparent — this will bring your story to life. Whether you’re laughing, crying, or feeling every word you write, dig deep to connect with your readers. Authenticity resonates and keeps your readers reading.
Want help on developing your book idea, managing your time or wonder if your book idea is any good in the first place? Book a free GET YOUR BOOK DONE SESSION with me.