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What's Writing Coach, Anyway and, WHY Do I Need One?

Writing, for me, is as natural as breathing. Each project I create is like giving birth. Well, maybe without the pain and then the 18 years of care. I also don't need to worry about sending my book to therapy when they are an adult or it writing a tell-all novel about me.

I am 100% a writer, and it comes easy to me­–not so much to my clients. I really love to see someone have their lightbulb moment. When their idea clicks in their head, they understand how to make it a reality.

This I why I created the three programs I offer:

Write Your Book in 30 DaysNo Experience Required

Here, I give you step-by-step guidance from start to finish. I help you overcome obstacles, create a time management plan, and give you possibilities you never thought about. Then there is helping you create characters that resonate with your reader and a story arc to keep your readers engaged. Together we find your inspiration and creative flow.

If fiction isn't your thing, that's okay–the same

tactics work, while we don't develop a main character, you still need resonate and connect with a reader that will keep them coming back for more.

The best part of this program is dispelling your fears, removing the myths about writing and making your book a possibility when it was once a little idea.

Hourly Coaching

Let's be real, everyone needs a coach now and then. This is an excellent offer for anyone whose project is smaller than a book or who has already started the process. Or maybe the 30-day program is a little scary. It's okay. I understand.

You get the same VIP attention as my Write Your Book in 30 Days clients, except it's hourly (when you choose). This is perfect for when you need a lift, find yourself stuck (writer's block), or your schedule is busy. You get everything coaching provides – connection, craft, and creative possibilities.

It's also a great way to get STARTED before you start writing.

Paper Trail – Virtual Co-Working Space

You've probably heard me talk about this or seen it on social media. This is my FAVORITE offering. Shhh, don't tell the others. Here we come together as a group, and I lead you through the struggles, hurdles, and fears about writing. I give you valuable tools to strengthen your skills, and there is even some personal growth time.

This space is once a month – but starting September, I am moving to TWO times a month and will be writing time at the end so you can have a SPACE of dedicated writing time. Some other changes are coming, which I'll be sharing over the next few weeks.

I have some special guests lined up for each Paper Trail. Valerie Utton, a developmental editor, is our next SPECIAL guest. She comes with a wealth of knowledge about writing. We'll be talking about writing about trauma and how to not trigger yourself, and what to do when that happens.

WORKSHOPS and Team Building

Oops - it's 4 four programs not three.

My workshops are designed to make you better writers without taking hours and hours of classes or getting your MFA. I teach everything from Nuts and Bolts of Writing, Creating Characters to How to Write Fiction from Fact. I liken my Team Building workshops to Sip and Paint, where you learn to paint happy little trees and clouds while sipping wine. Except, we don't paint. We write. And they are FUN. You'll never know what you're going to create.

If any of this sounds like something you need, can't live with out, or have questions about, lets chat!

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